Tuesday, September 20, 2011

On a serious note....

Hey all,

Surgery is going to be at 730am on Wednesday, September 21.  I realize that is 8 hours away from now (when I'm typing this) and that I should probably be in bed, but for any of you that know me, being up at this hour still should come as no surprise.  I'm going into this surgery with much trepidation, and I hope it will go well and I'll actually heal this time.  I've said to some of you earlier and I'll say it again now, if anything happens and I don't make it, know that I've loved you.  I'm hoping that God doesn't think I'm quite done here on earth fixing things/situations/people/churches/weddings/couples/etc and that in no time I'll be back posting. 

My intent (ambitious, I know) is to post from the hospital.  Mom will have my phone, but seeing as it's a new phone since my last big surgery, I have to give her a tutorial on how to operate it to text, so she'll be sending out a general status update on it.  Post surgery, however, I'm hoping to hack into some wifi hotspot (there's a panera now adjacent to the hospital) and do a daily blog update.  I can't guarantee anything with much detail or lucidity, but at least I'll try to check in as best I can. 

I thank each and every one of you for your thoughts and prayers for me, my parents (especially) and the surgical teams that will be working on me.  And with any luck, I'll be back to my sarcastic blogging self in no time, bad jokes and all. 

On a positive note, I've signed up for the warrior dash again next year, as has Rich, and it looks like Sarah WILL be joining us this year too.  Woohoo!!!  Anyone else up for the challenge?  Saturday Aug 11 2012, 9am, Windham Mountain. 

So I'll end this and get my obligatory pre-op shower (no really, it's a requirement) and head to bed, grab a few hours sleep before we leave at 4am to get up there by 530 for my 730 surgery.  Hey, I didn't make the rules :)

Love to all,


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